Community & Membership Guidelines
Posted: 29 December 2005 06:15 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  12
Joined  2005-12-15

You must be a registered user to post anything at CapeLinks other than pictures. Anonymous users or guests can only comment on posts.

If you are interested in becoming an editor or regular contributor/blogger/writer and earning some extra $$$, please contact us.

Do’s and Dont’s for General Posting & Commenting:

You can generally post about anything you want as long as it is somewhat related to Cape Cod & the Islands or would be of interest to CapeLinks’ visitors.

Please play nice, members are valued above all else. Spirited debate is cool, rudeness and disrespect is most certainly not.

Please keep discussions on a professional level.

When quoting from other websites, please use the minimum “fair use” amount of text needed to illustrate a point and lets avoid any potential copyright issues. You should always enclose any text snippets from other websites in blockquotes by using the <bq> button in the publish page.

Please link out generously and always credit the source of your story.

Self promotion is not generally welcome. Avoid long winded signatures and taglines or overtly promotional posts. Generally speaking, personal link drops are not cool unless highly relevant to the topic.

**If you fill out the URL field in your profile, your website link will appear on your public member profile page as well as in any posts or comments you make, so there is no need for blatant self promotion. Self promotion and the amount of links to your site should be solely based on your participation.

No whining.

Some Important Legal Stuff:

All posts belong to the posting member, the views expressed by members on do not necessarily reflect the views of this website or it’s owner.

Members of grant license to to edit or remove posts in accordance with these guidelines.
