Cape Cod cape

cape Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: cape
Found: cape - 249
Results: 1 .. 50 | Next 50 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
119 Cape Cod Airport Airport 41.6876088 -70.4030804 map
232 Cape Cod Bay Bay 42.0334366 -70.4161409 map
304 South Cape Beach Beach 41.5503881 -70.5119726 map
372 Cape Cod Coliseum Building 41.68954659246025 -70.19582390785217 once the placed rocked with acts like Van Halen, Ozzy, Grateful Dead, WWF, etc... now just a big warehouse facility map
373 Cape Cod National Seashore Headquarters Building 41.9048284 -69.978909 map
376 The Old Hoxie House Building 41.755070236191926 -70.49848437309265 one of the oldest houses on the Cape map
392 Cape Cod Museum of Natural History Building 41.7551093 -70.1105742 map
441 Cape Cod Canal Canal 41.7681612 -70.5661411 map
442 Money Head Cape 41.7514991 -69.953627 map
443 Hamblens Point Cape 41.5720544 -70.5053057 map
444 Clarks Point Cape 41.7701091 -70.0730739 map
445 Cobbs Point Cape 41.7728868 -70.0902965 map
446 Bells Neck Cape 41.6812223 -70.118907 map
447 Eldridge Point Cape 41.6701121 -69.9889046 map
448 Gibbs Neck Cape 41.7603829 -70.6105869 map
449 Cape Cod Cape 41.7001111 -70.0327945 map
450 Agawam Point Cape 41.7309386 -70.6272538 map
451 Crow Point Cape 41.6348292 -70.6464199 map
452 Long Point Cape 41.6726065 -70.6258643 map
453 Nyes Neck Cape 41.6376068 -70.6536424 map
454 Scraggy Neck Cape 41.666773 -70.649476 map
455 Taylor Point Cape 41.740383 -70.624476 map
456 Wings Neck Cape 41.6876059 -70.6494762 map
457 Baxter Neck Cape 41.6403875 -70.4091916 map
458 Bluff Point Cape 41.6112212 -70.42947 map
459 Crocker Neck Cape 41.6014989 -70.4578042 map
460 Daniels Island Cape 41.5903879 -70.4650268 map
461 Great Neck Cape 41.5667771 -70.4828051 map
462 Handy Point Cape 41.6223321 -70.4258588 map
463 Point Isabella Cape 41.63011 -70.4105806 map
464 Little Island Cape 41.6237213 -70.402247 map
465 Mashpee Neck Cape 41.6001099 -70.4689157 map
466 Meadow Point Cape 41.5876103 -70.4536375 map
467 Noisy Point Cape 41.6187211 -70.4239143 map
468 Pine Island Cape 41.6348321 -70.4030803 map
469 Pocknett Neck Cape 41.5867769 -70.4675269 map
470 Punkhorn Point Cape 41.5931657 -70.4655823 map
471 Ryefield Point Cape 41.5973322 -70.4628044 map
472 Saint Marys Island Cape 41.631499 -70.4000247 map
473 Sampsons Island Cape 41.6073325 -70.4258588 map
474 Succonnesset Point Cape 41.5584439 -70.4753049 map
475 Tims Point Cape 41.6223322 -70.4203031 map
476 Beach Point Cape 41.7251091 -70.2744659 map
477 Blish Point Cape 41.709276 -70.3027999 map
478 Calves Pasture Point Cape 41.7117757 -70.3272451 map
479 Hayes Point Cape 41.6659432 -70.3391896 map
480 Dunbar Point Cape 41.6334448 -70.2730763 map
481 Fuller Point Cape 41.6684433 -70.3300227 map
482 Point Gammon Cape 41.6098344 -70.2661315 map
483 Great Island Cape 41.61039 -70.2647426 map
Learn all about Cape Cod.

Found 249 waypoints on Cape Cod matching cape.

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Displayed 249 cape waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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