Cape Cod church

church Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: church
Found: church - 58
Results: 1 .. 50 | Next 50 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
647 Saint Marys Church Church 41.7034426 -70.3086334 map
648 East End Meetinghouse Church Church 41.6056641 -70.5683625 map
649 Old Quaker Meetinghouse Church 41.7467737 -70.4591931 map
650 West Parrish Church Church 41.6981643 -70.3839132 map
651 Old Indian Church Church 41.6251092 -70.4800272 map
652 Saint Barnabas Church Church 41.5528867 -70.6189186 map
653 Saint Patricks Church Church 41.5517758 -70.6078073 map
654 Saint Thomas Chapel Church 41.5445537 -70.6028072 map
655 Grace Memorial Chapel Church 41.5528876 -70.5500287 map
656 Saint Anthonys Church Church 41.5773313 -70.5669735 map
657 Saint James Chuch Church 41.9270498 -70.0150214 map
658 Saint Judes Chapel Church 41.6445537 -70.4439149 map
659 The Congregational Church Church 41.7548287 -70.4997498 map
660 First Congregational Church Church 41.9339941 -70.0408552 map
661 South Congregational Church Church 41.6523327 -70.3158555 map
662 Congregational Church Church 41.6862224 -70.0766841 map
663 The Church of Saint Mary of the Harbor Church 42.0459361 -70.1914152 map
664 Cataumet Methodist Church Church 41.6767734 -70.6041971 map
665 Captains Church Church 41.761776 -70.0819628 map
666 Wesley Church Church 41.5595533 -70.6119741 map
667 First Church Church 41.9984368 -70.0544681 map
668 Cape Cod Covenant Church Church 41.729832 -70.1408522 map
669 Cape Cod Bible Alliance Church Church 41.7753871 -70.0147397 map
670 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church 41.7403879 -70.0433506 map
671 Assembleia De Deus Church 41.6503886 -70.2941882 map
672 Saint Peter the Apostle Church Church 42.0506584 -70.1914152 map
673 Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown Church 42.0503806 -70.1883597 map
674 Osterville Baptist Church Church 41.6284436 -70.385302 map
675 Saint Francis Xavier Church Church 41.6492776 -70.2864101 map
847 Church Rock Island 41.7126092 -70.3050223 map
1950 Chilmark Community Church Church 41.3448353 -70.7447502 map
2024 Edgartown United Methodist Church Church 41.3906718 -70.5133599 map
2035 Federated Church Church 41.3901162 -70.5150266 map
2092 Island Christian Church Church 41.4376116 -70.6678065 map
2133 Lamberts Cove Church Church 41.4376116 -70.6678065 map
2180 Mayhew Chapel Church 41.4234452 -70.6753063 map
2269 Old Whaling Church Church 41.3906718 -70.5133599 map
2271 Our Lady Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church Church 41.453446 -70.5586391 map
2314 Sacred Heart Church Church 41.4528904 -70.5614168 map
2316 Saint Andrews Episcopal Church Church 41.3926161 -70.5147488 map
2317 Saint Augustines Church Church 41.4553897 -70.6064173 map
2318 Saint Elizabeth Church Church 41.3909495 -70.5147488 map
2404 Trinity Episcopal Church Church 41.4570569 -70.5566946 map
2406 Trinity Park Methodist Church Church 41.4556681 -70.560028 map
2409 Unitarian Universalist Society Church 41.4584451 -70.6033618 map
2508 Congregation Shirat Ha Yam Church 41.282623 -70.0991827 map
2529 First Baptist Church Church 41.2815119 -70.0972383 map
2530 First Church of Christ Scientist Church 41.281512 -70.1100163 map
2531 First Congregational Church Church 41.286234 -70.1022384 map
2540 Friends Meeting House Church 41.2817897 -70.0955715 map
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Found 58 waypoints on Cape Cod matching church.

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Displayed 58 church waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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