Cape Cod house

house Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: house
Found: house - 35
Results: 1 .. 35 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
113 Fuller House Heliport Airport 41.5531654 -70.5503064 map
376 The Old Hoxie House Building 41.755070236191926 -70.49848437309265 one of the oldest houses on the Cape map
379 Dillingham House Building 41.7614952 -70.5144726 map
380 Ellis House Building 41.7609396 -70.5125281 map
385 Barnstable County Court House Building 41.6998317 -70.3014109 map
387 Chandler Gray House Building 41.7176096 -70.2308537 map
388 Colonel John Thacher House Building 41.713443 -70.2352982 map
389 Captain Bangs-Hallett House Building 41.704887476008494 -70.243159532547 sea captains home, regularly open to visitors map
390 Winslow-Crocker House Building 41.7056656 -70.2308536 map
396 Mary Lincoln House Building 41.6534438 -70.3189111 map
406 The Perry Hayse House Building 41.7303835 -70.6003085 map
407 Wing Family House Building 41.7503847 -70.4625266 map
408 Nye Family House Building 41.7267744 -70.4272479 map
409 The Chamberlain House Building 41.7326056 -70.6008641 map
410 Atwood House Museum Building 41.6817786 -69.961682 map
673 Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown Church 42.0503806 -70.1883597 map
1205 Meeting House Pond Lake 41.7812205 -69.9652945 map
1320 Grover Cleveland House Site Locale 41.736772 -70.6211426 map
1988 Doctor Daniel Fisher House Museum Building 41.3906717 -70.5172488 map
2106 Joshua Slocum House Building 41.3826136 -70.6616944 map
2264 Old House Pond Lake 41.4315008 -70.6578063 map
2373 Thomas Cooke House Museum Building 41.3884496 -70.5158599 map
2415 Vincent House Museum Building 41.3909494 -70.516971 map
2540 Friends Meeting House Church 41.2817897 -70.0955715 map
2560 Hadwen House-Salter Memorial Building 41.2834563 -70.0961272 map
2570 Hinchman House Building 41.2806787 -70.1036273 map
2579 Jethro Coffin House Museum Building 41.2879007 -70.1122385 map
2584 Landmark House Building 41.2712344 -70.0883492 map
2668 Nathaniel Macy House Building 41.282623 -70.1022384 map
2684 Old Fire Cart House Building 41.2817898 -70.103905 map
2696 Pest House Pond Lake 41.2834561 -70.0769601 map
2697 Pest House Shore Beach 41.2834561 -70.0777934 map
2724 Rest House Pond Lake 41.2829006 -70.0772379 map
2725 Rest House Shore Beach 41.284845 -70.0772379 map
3401 Cape Cod Harbor House Inn Lodging 41.6504110 -70.2802660 We are 19 non-smoking mini-suites located on scenic Hyannis Harbor. map
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Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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