Cape Cod hyannis

hyannis Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: hyannis
Found: hyannis - 15
Results: 1 .. 15 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
54 Hyannis Village 41.651481 -70.295573 02601 map
75 Hyannis Port Village 41.636204 -70.309762 02647 map
357 Hyannis Port Beach Beach 41.6334445 -70.2983549 map
488 Hyannis Point Cape 41.6251112 -70.318911 map
742 Hyannis Harbor Harbor 41.6315003 -70.2869656 map
762 Hyannis Inner Harbor Harbor 41.650111 -70.2783544 map
1253 Hyannis Breakwater Light Locale 41.6240004 -70.2922436 map
1415 Hyannis Park Populated Place 41.6459445 -70.2689096 map
1416 Hyannis Port Populated Place 41.6356667 -70.2994661 map
1537 Hyannis Populated Place 41.6528887 -70.2827989 map
1574 Hyannis West Elementary School School 41.6512212 -70.3583568 map
1599 Hyannis Junior High School School 41.647611 -70.2847435 map
1859 WPXC-FM (Hyannis) Tower 41.6887204 -70.3464121 map
1860 WCOD-FM (Hyannis) Tower 41.7295541 -70.1664082 map
3401 Cape Cod Harbor House Inn Lodging 41.6504110 -70.2802660 We are 19 non-smoking mini-suites located on scenic Hyannis Harbor. map
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Found 15 waypoints on Cape Cod matching hyannis.

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Displayed 15 hyannis waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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