Cape Cod lake

lake Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: lake
Found: lake - 466
Results: Prev. 50 | 451 .. 466 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
1177 Round Pond Lake 41.9709376 -70.0105779 map
1178 Round Pond Lake 41.9709375 -70.0322449 map
1167 Great Pond Lake 41.9751041 -70.0300228 map
875 Mill Pond (historical) Lake 41.9903815 -70.0647458 map
1162 Village Pond Lake 42.0320475 -70.0897469 the Pilgrims were here, supposedly threw an iron kettle they found in this pond map
1156 Shank Painter Pond Lake 42.0478806 -70.2022487 map
1161 Moon Pond Lake 42.0520472 -70.1175254 map
1134 Clapps Pond Lake 42.0528805 -70.2078044 map
1137 Duck Pond Lake 42.0562138 -70.1953043 map
1135 Clapps Round Pond Lake 42.0570471 -70.209749 map
1133 Bennett Pond Lake 42.058436 -70.1989155 map
1217 Pilgrim Lake Lake 42.058436 -70.1328034 map
1152 Pasture Pond Lake 42.0606583 -70.2078045 map
1139 Great Pond Lake 42.0648248 -70.2008601 map
876 Blackwater Pond Lake 42.0681582 -70.1961379 map
1138 Grassy Pond Lake 42.069547 -70.1855821 map
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Found 466 waypoints on Cape Cod matching lake.

Pages: <== | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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Displayed 466 lake waypoints in 0.02 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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