Cape Cod lake

lake Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: lake
Found: lake - 466
Results: Prev. 50 | 451 .. 466 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
2738 Sesachacha Pond Lake 41.2959552 -69.9786249 map
1210 Pilgrim Lake Lake 41.7645542 -69.9772388 map
1228 Mill Pond Lake 41.8273304 -69.9772404 map
1203 Kescayo Gansett Pond Lake 41.7695541 -69.9766833 map
1207 Moll Pond Lake 41.8451077 -69.9761297 map
1022 Perch Pond Lake 41.688445 -69.9744601 map
1030 Oyster Pond Lake 41.6792786 -69.97446 map
1037 Sarahs Pond Lake 41.7417771 -69.9744606 map
1209 Paw Wah Pond Lake 41.7556656 -69.9700163 map
1205 Meeting House Pond Lake 41.7812205 -69.9652945 map
1200 Icehouse Pond Lake 41.7978868 -69.9605727 map
1019 Little Mill Pond Lake 41.676501 -69.9555707 map
1025 Mill Pond Lake 41.67289 -69.9555707 map
996 Black Pond Lake 41.6881674 -69.9550153 map
1212 Uncle Harvey Pond Lake, Fishing Spot 41.7798317 -69.9550166 largemouth bass, hard to access map
2673 Nobadeer Pond Lake 41.2501246 -69.0602642 map
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Found 466 waypoints on Cape Cod matching lake.

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Displayed 466 lake waypoints in 0.02 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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