Cape Cod ledge

ledge Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: ledge
Found: ledge - 29
Results: 1 .. 29 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
131 Red Ledge Bar 41.5195533 -70.6758634 map
134 Red Ledge Bar 41.5189978 -70.6755856 map
145 Gannet Ledge Bar 41.6145556 -70.3378004 map
153 Nobska Point Ledge Bar 41.5167759 -70.6528075 map
171 Collier Ledge Bar 41.5959448 -70.3511342 map
174 Middle Ledge (historical) Bar 41.6095556 -70.3497453 map
634 Cleveland Ledge Channel Channel 41.672328 -70.6816991 map
636 Cleveland Ledge Channel Channel 41.6720502 -70.6816991 map
775 Abiels Ledge Island 41.6917722 -70.6728102 map
777 Cleveland East Ledge Island 41.6334397 -70.6928099 map
780 Southwest Ledge Island 41.6626062 -70.6633652 map
817 Gifford Ledge Island 41.5926077 -70.6578086 map
818 Great Ledge Island 41.5123313 -70.6678076 map
829 Scorton Ledge Island 41.7570516 -70.41947 map
849 Fishing Ledge Island 41.9401046 -70.3078039 map
852 Middle Ledge Island 41.5189977 -70.6800302 map
858 West South West Ledge Island 41.591779 -70.2944656 map
1263 Grassy Island Ledge Light Locale 41.5212199 -70.6758635 map
1264 Cleveland Ledge Light Locale 41.6309398 -70.6936432 map
1265 Cleveland Ledge Channel Range Light Locale 41.6923277 -70.6747548 map
1299 Cleveland Ledge Lighthouse Locale 41.6312175 -70.6947544 map
1966 Coxens Ledge Bar 41.4501061 -70.9800373 map
2036 Felix Ledge Bar 41.4464971 -70.8544775 map
2037 Felix Ledge Bar 41.446775 -70.8511441 map
2199 Middle Ledge Bar 41.4367741 -70.9194795 map
2200 Middle Ledge Bar 41.4387185 -70.9189239 map
2281 Pease Ledge Bar 41.428441 -70.9172571 map
2302 Red Ledge Bar 41.5195533 -70.6758634 map
2479 Bass Ledge Island 41.3334541 -70.3577995 map
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Found 29 waypoints on Cape Cod matching ledge.

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Displayed 29 ledge waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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