Cape Cod point

point Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: point
Found: point - 174
Results: 1 .. 50 | Next 50 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
2120 Knox Point Cape 41.43483 -70.90059 map
2242 North Point Cape 41.4501081 -70.8569777 map
2047 Fox Point Cape 41.433442 -70.8486438 map
2231 Naushon Point Cape 41.4503867 -70.8055871 map
2351 Squibnocket Point Cape 41.3017805 -70.7744725 map
2150 Long Point Cape 41.3434459 -70.7711398 map
2283 Peases Point Cape 41.345946 -70.7633618 map
2289 Point Mill Brook Stream 41.399834 -70.7239175 map
2378 Timmy Point Shoal Bar 41.5237196 -70.6989193 map
2377 Timmy Point Cape 41.5209418 -70.6986415 map
698 Nobska Point Cliff 41.5151087 -70.6966969 map
1893 Allen Point Cape 41.3487252 -70.6961387 map
2151 Long Point Cape 41.3451142 -70.6961386 map
2278 Paul Point Cape 41.4417778 -70.6855845 map
520 Penzance Point Cape 41.520942 -70.6825302 map
2209 Mink Point Cape 41.51622 -70.6778078 map
2238 Nonamesset Point Cape 41.512609 -70.6730855 map
1959 Cobbs Point Cape 41.3473368 -70.6722495 map
1905 Black Point Pond Lake 41.3467814 -70.670305 map
1260 Juniper Point Light Locale 41.5173312 -70.6683633 map
518 Juniper Point Cape 41.517609 -70.6680855 map
515 Gansett Point Cape 41.5401086 -70.6661414 map
2045 Flat Point Cape 41.3626143 -70.6619719 map
2287 Plum Bush Point Cape 41.3598367 -70.659194 map
2247 Norton Point Cape 41.4612219 -70.6589179 map
1258 Nobaska Point Light Locale 41.5156648 -70.6555854 map
516 Gunning Point Cape 41.5645527 -70.6536415 map
153 Nobska Point Ledge Bar 41.5167759 -70.6528075 map
514 Chappaquoit Point Cape 41.6042742 -70.6494752 map
517 Hamlin Point Cape 41.5709415 -70.6478081 map
451 Crow Point Cape 41.6348292 -70.6464199 map
522 Lewis Point Cape 41.7639935 -70.6453103 map
2201 Middle Point Cove Bay 41.3551151 -70.6403049 map
2153 Long Point (historical) Cape 41.3542819 -70.6369715 map
2121 Kuffies Point Cape 41.4626112 -70.6328065 map
450 Agawam Point Cape 41.7309386 -70.6272538 map
452 Long Point Cape 41.6726065 -70.6258643 map
2087 Hullman Point Cape 41.4584447 -70.625862 map
455 Taylor Point Cape 41.740383 -70.624476 map
2044 Flat Point Cape 41.4659445 -70.6244732 map
1915 Brown Point Cape 41.4501118 -70.623084 map
526 Handy Point Cape 41.6792731 -70.622531 map
528 Rocky Point Cape 41.7251055 -70.6208647 map
527 Phinneys Point Cape 41.7242723 -70.6180868 map
3392 Gurnet Point Plymouth Harbor Cape 42.003514283699864 -70.6007194519043 entrance to Plymouth Harbor, Duxbury Bay map
2085 Hines Point Cape 41.4520566 -70.5897504 map
2154 Long Point Wildlife Refuge Park 41.3498386 -70.5872488 map
1912 Bold Water Point Cape 41.366783 -70.5603043 map
1987 Dividend Point Cape 41.4120589 -70.5555828 map
2363 Swan Neck Point Cape 41.3565058 -70.5550264 map
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Found 174 waypoints on Cape Cod matching point.

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Displayed 174 point waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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