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Captain Kidd’s Pirate Treasure
Captain Kidd, according to local tradition, buried his gold at Money Head on Hog Island in Pleasant Bay, off Orleans. Several places on the Atlantic coast claim the honor of harboring the booty. Cape Cod, long regarded as one of the most likely, points to Hog Island.
Hog Island lies deserted in Pleasant Bay. Only the adventurous seek its shores. You can row over and inspect the diggings. You may even pick up an abandoned spade, but you are not advised to use it till you know the lore of treasure trove.
Once a year only, it is whispered in Orleans, do you stand a chance of finding Captain Kidd’s treasure—
...on the seventh night of the seventh month. And the moon must be full at Money Head. There at the stroke of midnight you slay a sheep and let the blood flow from the cut to the spot where the gold is buried, and you start digging…
Captain Kidd stored his treasure:
...in a box, lockt and nailed, corded and sealed.
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Could I get any sources for this myth? Ive never seen it in any ERS book or histories of Cape Cod.
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Where is there anything about captain kidd and hog island off of Chatham