Wellfleet Oysters
by Karen Ellery Jones Renowned for its quaint New England seaside charm, the icy Atlantic that rarely breaks 60 degrees, the spectacular sunsets at First Encounter Beach in Eastham and the rolling…
Carluccios Cape Cod
The Grand opening of Carluccio’s Deli and Pastry Shop is on February 7, 2011 all day! The new deli and cafe will offer authentic Italian dishes - pizza, pasta, salads and pastries. There will…
Pilgrim Bill of Fare
The Pilgrims had a tough time to survive their first winter. Food was the biggest problem. Hungry people cannot fight weakness or discouragement half so well as when they are filled and their appetites…
The Wicked Oyster, Restaurant Review
by Lucy Vivante, Lucas and Michael Miller For two years now, Wellfleet has been home to a restaurant which offers the best of two worlds: a relaxed, clubby atmosphere and an amibitious first-rate…
Meet Your Local Shellfish Aquaculture Farmer
Here’s a chance to meet, up close and personal those hardworking Lower Cape Cod Aquaculturists. Find out how they got started, what keeps them doing it, how they work their Aquaculture Grants,…
Plum Duff, A Sea-Going Dessert
Most landlubbers would turn pale at the thought of eating plum duff. No wonder! It was the sea-going dessert on whalers, clippers, and other long-distance sailing vessels, and a far cry from the delicious…
Cape Cod Leather Throats
Richardson Wright, a retired editor of House and Garden, once wrote in a Cape paper:
Long Lick
No grocer but one on “old-time” Cape Cod would know that “Porty Reek long lick” meant Puerto Rico molasses; and no cook, except one on Cape Cod would know that “Hog’s…
Footless Fowl
Just as there are “Cape Cod Cats”, so also is there what some folks call…
Moonberries and Crowberries
The Cape’s lowly cranberry, bright, gayly red, pleasantly tart to the taste, with a delightful tang, is a berry of fascinating interest to those who make a study of it and its varieties, names,…
Don’t Wait for a Table
Here is a tip for avoiding that long wait for a table at a packed restaurant. As long as you are solo or in a small party (2 or 3 person maximum) and the restaurant has a bar, this trick will usually…
Them Ain’t Clams
“Them ain’t clams, them’s quahaugs,” is the classic Cape Cod remark to visitors who admire the shellfish which to the south of us is usually called the hard-shelled clam.
Seaweed for Dinner?
Among the different varieties of apparently useless seaweed tossing idly in the waves or strewn for long distances along the highwater mark on the beach, one may discern the kind known as “Irish…
Clam Cakes
For a quick lunch or supper that can be mixed early in the day for fast cooking at the eleventh hour, there is nothing like Cape Cod Clam Cakes.
Online Grocery Shopping
Hate grocery shopping? Try online grocery delivery. Instead of going to the grocery store or supermarket you can enter your grocery list online and have your groceries delivered right to your door.…
How to Have a Clambake Video
Here is a cool video about having a clambake. It runs about 23 minutes and covers the traditional clambake on the beach, a professional clambake with rented metal racks and the backyard clambake.
Meals Aboard A Whaler
The staple dish on some whaling ships was a thing called Lobscouse—a stew made of hard-tack and slush (fat), boiled with molasses and water. Potato Scouse was the same thing, with potatoes substituted…
Consider the Oyster!
Oysters are a favorite Cape Cod shellfish. Our Wellfleet is home to the “Wellfleet oyster”, considered to be one of the world’s best oysters for generations. After Wellfleet’s…
When A Lobster Does The Split
The way a lobster fights to get out of its shell in June and August never fails to arouse wonder. By thrashing about and going into contortions of a lobster type, the creature splits its old shell all…
Provincetown Creamed Codfish
1/2 pound salt codfish
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons flour
teaspoon pepper
1 cup milk
Dash of Tabasco sauce
1 egg, beaten
Great New England Clambake
The following is a “how to have a clambake” guide from long ago. It gives us an idea of how it was to have a clambake back in the day.
Nantucket & Cape Cod Bay Scallops
Bay scallops are a regional seafood that native Cape Codders treasure. Most bay scallops never leave New England. Cooking bay scallops can be a treat all to itself, as bay scallops are excellent for…
Cape Cod Chowders
The making of a good Cape Cod fish chowder involved almost as much ceremony as a holy rite. The story is told of an old sea captain who was famous for his chowders. He set out at daybreak for his catch…
Cranberry Fluff Pie
1/2 cup sugar 2 stiffly beaten egg whites 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 pint heavy cream whipped 1 pound can whole cranberry sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/4 cup water
The Cape’s First Industry
When John Cabot touched our New England shores, he was astounded at the vast numbers of fish in the water. There were so many that bears waded out, and easily caught and ate them. These fish were food…
What’s A Tautog?
We’ve been looking into the dictionary for some definition of this fish, which is popular with sportsmen on Cape Cod. Best we can learn from the book is that a tautog is one of a family of labroid…
Little Lines About Large Lobsters
One of Cape Cod’s most succulent dishes is “boiled live lobster.” The lobster is not only good eating, but despite his homely, even ugly form, is quite an interesting creature.
What the Whalers Ate
Cooks aboard the whalers served the men strong vittles. Keeping in mind that the whaling ships were often at sea for “a couple years”, the main items on the whaleship menu were:
Cape Cranberries Led the Way
Cape Cod cranberries were one of the first of the so-called “convenience foods” which now represent such a large portion of the nation’s ready-to-serve food supplies.