CapeLinks Cape Cod: Life
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articles & blogs: life

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  • Health Care: Doctors, Hospitals & Walk-In Clinics
    Hopefully your stay on Cape Cod will be free of injuries and illness. Should you require medical attention, there are several doctors, walk-in clinics and hospitals prepared to take care of you. Here…
  • A Local Perspective
    Although I’ve lived on Cape for more than two decades, and my children were born on the peninsula, I’m a wash-a-shore, one of those not so quite endearing words used to describe folks not delivered…
  • Cholesterol Guru Saved Us
    It seems almost unbelieveable that barely 25 years ago there was still controversy raging in the medical literature about whether cholesterol played a central role in the development of heart disease.…
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms:  what to do?
    Abdominal Aneurysm is a ballooning out of the walls of the aorta, The main blood vessel going from your heart to your abdominal organs and legs and carrying about 80% of all blood flow, the aorta has…
  • It Took A Rocket Scientist…
    The CIMT (carotid intima-media thickness) test, or ArterioVision, a technology initially developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California is a non-invasive ultrasound examination…
  • Get Out And Exercise!
    Use it or lose it! The activity people do as part of their daily routine has diminished greatly over the last 100 years. Estimates are that the average person is now less than half as active as their…
  • Early Days of the Cape Cod Career Girl
    What was life like for a “female” worker in the glass factories of Sandwich following…
  • The Centerboard Coffin
    Folks down on the Cape call a spade a spade. Therefore when Aunt Sarah, who had been confined to her rocker for years, at last grew too feeble to get out of bed, her family knew the end was near and…
  • False Teeth: Colonial Cosmetic Dentistry
    False teeth, in 1768, were only made to talk with and display and certainly not made for help in eating. As a clue to the way in which people were outfitted with missing teeth, note this advertisement…
  • Test Your Own Work
    No matter how comical or absurd the early Puritan laws may seem, it must be remembered that the motive was to make the people better and more equal. To produce a moral and a pure Christian life was…
  • Setting Out For Greener Pastures
    Three hundred fifty plus years ago land on Cape Cod could be had simply for the moving in on it. This is what started up new villages.
  • Versatile Signs
    We know about the old-time New England land signs and beliefs of the weather to come. But old predictions weren’t only about the weather. A sign could be found, it seems, for almost everything.…
  • Ship’s Medicine Chest
    All captains took aboard medicine chests filled with bottles of strange concoctions. Jamaica Ginger and Rhubarb Syrup were the usual dose for a stomach ache.
  • Fish and Farm
    Early New England prospered in two main endeavors of her hard colonial days. Ashore, her principal occupation was agriculture. Afloat, it was fishing.
  • How to Walk In Cape Cod Sand
    “I was told,” wrote Nat Willis, the poet who visited the Cape in 1849, “that the Cape people have a peculiar step for the sand, laying down the flat of the while foot and bending the…
  • More Youngsters Then
    In colonial times, four of every ten persons in what is now the United States were under fifteen years of age, or forty percent of the population.
  • Colonial Perfumes
    The colonial settlers were very fond of home-made perfumes.
  • Cape Cod’s Old-time Ministers
    Palmer Street in Falmouth is named after one of the town’s most illustrious Puritan ministers, the Rev. Samuel Palmer. He served there for forty-three years, (1731-1774), succeeding a minister…
  • Call Them Lucky
    The following words appreciative of the Cape came from man “marooned” in the city of Boston during a hot spell of weather one summer many years ago:
  • Cold Friday
    The name Snow is a notable one on Cape Cod and the South Shore. It goes ‘way back to the early settlers’ time, and it has always been an honorable one born by honorable Cape Codders and…
  • A Jolly Inscription
    The following inscription appeared over a chimney piece in a 17th century gentleman’s dining room:
  • The Little Red Schoolhouse
    Like ever so many other parts of New England, Cape Cod towns had their “little red schoolhouses.” Often it was a one-room or two-room affair.
  • Nancy And The Savings Bank
    The ship Emerald on its way to Virginia put into Hyannis Harbor to take refuge from a storm. John Munroe, watch and clock maker, a passenger aboard on his way to Virginia to set up in business,…
  • Continuous Marriage
    The average age of a girl to be married was, in the seventeenth century, fifteen. For a boy it was slightly higher, his promptness in the matter being assisted by the aversion of the colonists to bachelors.…
  • Hard Workers
    Don’t get the idea that those who lived in the early days on Cape Cod were all farmers and fishermen. There were others.
  • Lecture Day
    Not only did the colonists suffer through day-long Sunday sermons, but on Thursdays they attended a weekly lecture which was to the seventeenth century what the opera was to the nineteenth.
  • Where They Sleep!
    Here and there the old Cape Cod villages are dotted by little cemeteries. Some of the cemeteries are very small. In them there are perhaps not over a score of graves.
  • Colonial Cure for Insomnia
    It was not quite so easy for the victims of insomnia in Colonial times to obtain sleep remedies as it is now. Perhaps there was less need for them then.
  • Something in the Air
    There must be something in the air, “or something”, that helps folks to live well beyond the biblical span of three score and ten years, here on the Cape. There are more octogenarians (a…
  • Don’t Wait for a Table
    Here is a tip for avoiding that long wait for a table at a packed restaurant. As long as you are solo or in a small party (2 or 3 person maximum) and the restaurant has a bar, this trick will usually…
  • Colonial Christmas
    Santa comes to the Cape at Christmas time now just as merrily as to any other part of the country, and the Cape Cod kids keep as close a watch and are as impatient, too, as other kids for the time of…
  • The Camp Meeting
    A few years after the railroad came to the Cape, it attracted to Yarmouth the “camp meeting”. A Methodist gathering that has seen no counterpart in our modern day.
  • Stones Worth Noting
    Angels in fullface on old grave stones, Yes! But angels in profile, seldom. Barnstable graveyards have the rare examples of the profile of angels carved in the old stones.
  • By Horse to High
    Cape Cod high schoolers of today either walk to school or go there by bus, automobile, or bicycle. But a century or so back, the boys of Falmouth frequently drove to school by horse and would “park”…
  • Ease ‘Er When She Pitches
    You might recollect the fable by Aesop which tells of the mighty oak that resisted a great wind and was brought by the wind crashing to the ground. There it lay in dishonor.
  • The Swallowtail Fad
    In the days of Andrew Jackson and Commodore Hull all Cape Cod personages wore swallowtail coats to formal gatherings. You can still find specimens of this extraordinary garment hidden away in Cape attics.…
  • Cape Cod’s Lady Milkman
    (circa 1961) For over a year the residents of Harwich and South Chatham enjoyed the efficient services of the only “female milkman” on Cape Cod. She was Mrs. Edna Homer, who answered…
  • Mother at Sea
    In the 1860’s a Cape Cod skipper who, accompanied by his wife, was making a passage to Australia, wrote home to his children as follows:
  • See-Worthy Suits
    A Cape Codder discoursing on the “new” bathing suits of fifty some-odd years ago comments:
  • Trees Became Coffins
    A Pilgrim settler, hewing logs to make his rude dwelling, and gazing at the virtually untouched…
  • Dentium Conservator
    Cape Cod colonists suffered greatly from tooth decay. Tooth washes and powders were used as early as 1718, but the toothbrush had not yet been invented.
  • Schooling on Old Cape Cod
    Every town of the Cape, like those of the rest of Massachusetts, was required by law of the Commonwealth in 1825, to maintain one school master or school mistress if it had fifty families.
  • The Pilgrims had Shortcomings
    Old records show that the Pilgrims were no better or no worse than other people. At nearly every court session, fines were imposed for drunkenness and idleness. (Yes, it was a sin to be idle in those…
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