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Something in the Air
There must be something in the air, “or something”, that helps folks to live well beyond the biblical span of three score and ten years, here on the Cape. There are more octogenarians (a person between 80 and 90 years of age) here than one can shake a stick at.
Maybe, besides the good air, it’s the calm, and the nearness of the great sea, and absence of big, bustling cities, subways, crowds, and more crowds, that does it.
One newspaper, not on the Cape, exclaims:
Cape Codders don’t consider themselves even approaching old age till they hit eighty-five or ninety.
Almost any Cape town can rustle up a group of citizens all over seventy-five. A prominent heart specialist years ago said it was true that folks in small towns outlive folks in cities.
The Cape is a collection of small towns with the added blessing of healthful, vibrant air. They tell of a Yarmouth fellow, about seventy, who, when asked for directions to a certain place, replied, “I don’t know how to get there, but I’ll ask my father.”
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