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Cape Cod Strange Discovery

When they first arrived at Provincetown, the Pilgrims did a fair amount of exploring the Cape. One day some of the Pilgrims wandering on Cape Cod noticed a heap of sand. Curiosity led their steps to it. They dug into it, and found:

A little old Basket full of faire Indian Corne, and digged further & found a fine great new Basket full of very faire corne of this year, with some 36 goodly eares of corne, some yellow and some red, and others mixt with blew which was a very goodly sight; the Basket was round, and narrow at the top, it held about three or four Bushels, which was as much as two of us could lift up from the ground, and was very handsomely and cunningly made.

This fortunate discovery was made at what is now Corn Hill in Truro. This nutritional find was a godsend to the Pilgrims who were weary from their trans-Atlantic voyage on the Mayflower

These old cache holes are still found in many sections of this commonwealth in places where the cultivation of the land and urban sprawl has not destroyed them.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 07/28/06
Categories: HistoryPlacesTruro
Keywords: history, pilgrims, places, truro


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