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Trout Fishing
The Cape is home to some great freshwater fishing. Growing up here, I did quite a bit of freshwater fishing for trout and bass. This article covers trout and salmon stocking and the ponds that are stocked in Spring and Fall.
The following ponds are all stocked by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) with brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout in the Spring:
(some of these lakes are also stocked in the Fall as well)
BARNSTABLE - Bridge Creek, Hamblin Pond, Hathaway Pond, Lovell’s Pond, Marstons Mill River, Shubael Pond
BREWSTER - Cliff Pond, Flax Pond, Higgins Pond, Little Cliff Pond, Sheep Pond, Stony Brook
CHATHAM - Goose Pond, Schoolhouse Pond
DENNIS - Scargo Lake
EASTHAM - Herring Pond
FALMOUTH - Ashumet Pond, Coonamesset River, Deep Pond, Grews Pond, Mares Pond
MASHPEE - Child’s River, Johns Pond, Mashpee-Wakeby Pond
MATTAPOISETT - Mattapoisett River
OAK BLUFFS - Upper Lagoon Pond
ORLEANS - Baker Pond, Crystal Lake
PLYMOUTH - Beaver Dam Brook, Big Sandy Pond, Eel River, Fearings Pond, Fresh Pond, Little Pond, Long Pond, Lout Pond, Russell Pond, Sawmill Pond, Town Brook
SANDWICH - Hoxie Pond, Pimlico Pond, Peters Pond, Scorton Creek, Spectacle Pond
TRURO - Great Pond, Pamet River
WAREHAM - Agawam River
WEST TISBURY - Old Mill Pond, Seth’s Pond, Duarte Pond
YARMOUTH - Long Pond
The following Cape Cod ponds are stocked with landlocked salmon. Fish range from 4-18 pounds and come from the White River National Fish Hatchery in Bethel, Vermont and the Roger Reed Salmon Hatchery in Belchertown, MA.
Brewster—Cliff Pond, Sheep Pond
Plymouth—Little Pond, Long Pond
Sandwich—Peters Pond
A few of the Cape’s trout fishing areas are Catch & Release only areas. Only artificial lures may be used in Catch & Release areas. Possession of bait is prohibited. In designated Fly Fishing Areas, all anglers must use a conventional fly rod and fly line.
Quashnet River - Falmouth/Mashpee - From the outlet of John’s Pond to the MassWildlife sign approximately .1 mile south of Rte. 28
Red Brook - Plymouth/Wareham/Bourne - From the outlet of White Island Pond to the inlet of Buttermilk Bay
These areas are catch & release only to preserve the sea-run trout resource. These are trout that live part of their life in salt water. The sea trout go down river to saltwater in November immediately after spawning, to winter there. They begin to return again in April, and all of them are in brackish or fresh water by mid-May. Around here these trout are referred to as “salters” or “sea run brown trout”. Scorton Creek on Cape Cod Bay, in the town of Sandwich is also known to hold “salters”.
Licenses are required for freshwater fishing in Massachusetts. The freshwater fishing seasons are listed here (pdf)
See also Cape Cod lakes & ponds map for over 450 local lakes and ponds with driving directions.
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With fly fishing it takes a little more talent and you need to know about hatches and how to read the water a bit more than other types of fishing. Remove the boat, live bait, the fish locator, depth finder, rod holder, beer holder and then you have more of an even match as to what skill it takes to bring in a fish. But if you did that we would wipe out flounder..and I love flounder fishing. HK