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A Certified Sea Serpent
From Zion’s Herald, Boston, Aug. 2, 1826 we get this interesting account of a sea monster sighting off Cape Cod:
Captain Holdredge, of the ship Silas Richard, which arrived yesterday from Liverpool, says that in passing George’s Banks five days since, he had a fair view of the Serpent. It was about ten rods (175 feet) from the ship, the sea was perfectly calm, and that part which appeared out of water was about sixty feet in length. The head and protuberances of the Serpent were similar to the representations which have frequently been given of him by persons who had seen him. He was visible about seven minutes to the passengers and crew, who were on deck at the time. A certificate has been drawn up and signed by the passengers which, with a drawing made by one of the gentlemen, gives a minute description of the Serpent as seen by them. The number and credibility of the witnesses place beyond all doubt the existence of such an animal.
There is also the account from 1886 by “Professor” George Washington Ready of the sea serpent sighting at Provincetown.
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