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Cape Cod A Fine Cleere Pond

Between North Truro and Pond Village lies a little valley. Here we are informed by the historians of the Pilgrim Fathers, an armed force of the Pilgrims, under Captain Miles Standish, spent their second night in a tour of exploration while the Mayflower swung at quiet anchor in the harbor of Provincetown.

“And as we went into another valley, we found a fine cleere pond of fresh water”, the old story runs. They “came that night back againe and we made our Rendevous that night, making a great fire, and a Baricade to windward of us, and kept good watch all night ... for fear of Indians”.

While on this exploration, the Pilgrims happened upon the remains of an old house where they found a large kettle which they supposedly threw into this pond before returning to the Mayflower.

From sea to bay, the valley is nearly two thirds of a mile in length, and for that distance there is a cross-road. It will lead you to a little park beside a small pond. This is “the fine cleere pond.” A tablet marks it as Pilgrim Pond, tells of the Pilgrim band who came to it. (Present day maps mark the pond as “Village Pond”)

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 02/16/06
Categories: HistoryPlacesTruro
Keywords: pilgrims, truro, history, places


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