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Cape Cod No Crime In Martha’s Vineyard

The following is from a report published in 1855 by the Boston Telegraph:

A spot in Massachusetts where there is no crime?

The rum traffic on Martha’s Vineyard has been outlawed for more than eighteen years. Rum-selling is not known in that locality. What has been the result ? Crime has not only diminished, but it seems to have almost enirely left the Vineyard. We are informed that no case of crime has come before the courts for something like sixteen years. The judges go down in one boat and back in the next…

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 02/28/06
Categories: HistoryInterestingMartha's Vineyard
Keywords: history, marthas vineyard, interesting


I can`t believe no crime? Speeding, theft, fights? Come on!

Posted by Laura from Phoenix az. on 07/16/08 at 05:42 AM | #

This is “from a report published in 1855”. Speeding was not an issue back then unless your horse and buggy was out of control.

Things are a bit different now of course.

Posted by Cape Cod from Cape Cod, Massachusetts on 07/16/08 at 11:31 PM | #

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