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Cape Cod Old Yarmouth

An interesting description of old Yarmouth is found in John Hayward’s New England Gazetteer, published 1839. It says, in part:

Yarmouth extends across Cape Cod, and has a good harbor on each side. There are several ponds in the town, from which issues a small stream, called the Bass River, and from which a small water power is derived.

The soil of the Cape here becomes thin, sandy, and unproductive The people of this town are principally devoted to the fishing business, coasting trade, and the manufacture of salt. There are, however, some manufactures of vessels, cordage, leather, cabinet and tin wares, chairs, boots, and shoes. Some sheep are kept, but the agricultural product is small. A large number of vessels are engaged in the coasting trade, and in 1837, 13 vessels, of about 50 yond each, were employed in the cod and mackerel fishery. The product, that year, was $26,622.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 03/04/06
Categories: HistoryYarmouth
Keywords: history, yarmouth


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