Cape Cod: Articles: History, Truro -- post an article
Paid Minister in Cord Wood
The inhabitants of Truro, in September 1786, joined with the Town authorities in “calling and settling” the Rev. Jude Damon “in the work of the Gospel Ministry” there.
They voted to give him “for his Incouragement” two hundred pounds in specie (coined money, coins) within two years, plus seventy-five pounds in specie for his salary annually, fifteen cords of “good oake-wood and three cords of pine-wood, the said wood to be delivered annually at his dwelling house in said Truro by the middle of October”. They also voted to give him five tons of hay annually.
Mr. Damon’s services evidently satisfied the people and the town authorities. He stayed with them for many years as their minister, and rests now in the Old North burial ground on Storm Hill.
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