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Cape Cod Old Sandwich, New Sandwich

Sixty-five miles southeast of London, England, there is a little town only two miles in a straight line from the sea, or four miles if one follows the winding little river Stour. It is of no importance today as a seaport, but once upon a time, under Edward the Confessor, in the eleventh century, it was the most famous of all English ports.

In this little town, now sunk into maritime and commercial insignificance, one can enjoy a fine promanade on ancient walls. It has such relics of historical interest as the Anglican churches of St. Clement, St. Peter, and St. Mary, the last a fifteenth century church; St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, dating from the twelfth century, and St. Thomas’ Hospital, from the fourth century. Many old Roman relics are discovered only two miles away.

That little town is old Sandwich, the namesake of our Sandwich on Cape Cod. Our Sandwich was settled in 1637 and incorporated on March 6, 1638. Sandwich, Cape Cod, has no fewer than eleven villages or sections. Much of its world-wide fame derives from the beautiful and unique glass objects which were made here in former years.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 02/13/06
Categories: HistorySandwich
Keywords: sandwich, history


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