articles & blogs

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  • Rockwell Kent and the Cape Cinema Mural
    Dennis’ Cape Cinema is an Art Deco jewel, nested inside a reserved New England facade.
  • Cholesterol Guru Saved Us
    It seems almost unbelieveable that barely 25 years ago there was still controversy raging in the medical literature about whether cholesterol played a central role in the development of heart disease.…
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms:  what to do?
    Abdominal Aneurysm is a ballooning out of the walls of the aorta, The main blood vessel going from your heart to your abdominal organs and legs and carrying about 80% of all blood flow, the aorta has…
  • It Took A Rocket Scientist…
    The CIMT (carotid intima-media thickness) test, or ArterioVision, a technology initially developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California is a non-invasive ultrasound examination…
  • Get Out And Exercise!
    Use it or lose it! The activity people do as part of their daily routine has diminished greatly over the last 100 years. Estimates are that the average person is now less than half as active as their…
  • Walk The Streets of Barnstable Village-History/Haunted
    If Barnstable Village is an interest to you and you have a desire to learn the history as well as some past residents who still reside, read on.
  • Cape Cod’s Bike Trails
    Cape Cod is the best known cycling destination in Massachusetts. Our cycling visitors enjoy the dramatic landscapes, the contrasts between bay, pond and ocean and numerous bicycle paths and routes.…
  • Cape Cod Rail Trail
    The Cape Cod Rail Trail which first opened in 1979, typically gets 400,000 users a year. The scenery along the bike trail, which used to be the old railroad line (see background), features forested…
  • Samuel de Champlain Was Here
    The Boston Globe has an interesting piece about Champlain’s voyages to New England and the Cape Cod shore at least fifteen years earlier than the Pilgrims. As Quebec gets ready to celebrate the…
  • Traces of the Indians
    The original name of Hyannis is of Indian derivation as are many of the Cape towns. This original Indian name was Iyannough, in honor of the young sachem who first received and welcomed the colonists.…
  • Massachusetts State Record Striped Bass
    The 3 largest striped bass officially landed in Massachusetts weighed 73 pounds each. There are currently 3 record holders (according to the MA DMF) all sharing the MA State record for striped bass.…
  • Captain Kidd Was Here
    No seacoast with miles of beaches, little hideaways along the shore and wild stretches of seacoast would have a complete story without a legend of pirates and
  • Cape Cod Cemeteries Map
    Looking for a gravestone or graveyard on Cape Cod? As part of our GPS Waypoints section we have over 90 cemeteries listed with maps and driving directions to each one.
  • Bassett’s Wild Animal Farm
    Bassett’s Wild Animal Farm in Brewster was one of the more unique Cape Cod attractions featuring many different types of animals, some native to the area and some exotic. The farm has changed…
  • Cape Cod Scenic Tours
    Welcome to Cape Cod Scenic Tours! Cape Cod Scenic Tours, based in the mid Cape, specializing in sightseeing tours throughout Cape Cod. Our sightseeing tours are fun filled and leave each visitor…
  • Cape Cod Maps Update
    I recently updated some of our Cape Cod maps. The GPS coordinates map has been tweaked…
  • New website and on-line magazine features Cape and Islands
    Visit for information about the architectural services offered by Katie Hutchison Studio and to read House Enthusiast, an on-line magazine exploring house, garden, and…
  • Provincetown Celebrates Century of Pilgrim Monument
    It’s a year of celebration for Provincetown and the magic number is 100. For a century ago this August, the community began building the 252-foot tall Pilgrim Monument, its proclamation that the…
  • Dude Where’s My Car?
    Have you ever seen your house from space? Google recently updated the satellite imagery for their maps. From the view of my house, I gather the imagery is from sometime last year, maybe Fall. Since…
  • Neither Traveling Nor Amusement on Sundays
    Sundays were the “Sabbath”, on which the colonial laws decreed that there should be neither traveling nor amusement, and certainly no labor, but “a solemn and decorous observance of…
  • Cape Cod Vacation Video
    Here’s a very upbeat and well put together Cape Cod vacation slideshow/video of a trip to the Cape during the summer of 2006. The video features some very nice beach scenes and it looks like they…
  • The Cape Takes a Beating from Fodor’s
    The Cape made the top of the list as the most overrated destination in the world according to Fodor’s. According to the article, Cape Cod is a has-been and more overrated than other worldly travel…
  • Straight Outta Cape Cod, We’re Keepin’ it Real
    Here’s a funny Cape Cod related music video from YouTube. If you don’t know much about Cape Cod, keep in mind that this video does not portray the majority of Cape Codders. Prep Unit…
  • Sick At Sea
    Volumes could be written encompassing the hundreds of numerous and tragic adventures of the sea captains and sailors of Cape Cod in the heyday of China runs and whaling.
  • Run Herring! Run!
    The Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Commission approved a three-year ban in all state waters on harvest, possession and sale of river herring. The November 2006 decision came in response to recent drastic…
  • Sagamore Cemetery Haunting
    In a small quiet Sagamore cemetery dwells an unknown force also known as ghosts. It has been rumored to be haunted for as long as anyone can remember. The strong scent of cigar smoke can be smelled…
  • Year Round Rentals
    Looking for year round rentals on Cape Cod? Since the
  • Early Days of the Cape Cod Career Girl
    What was life like for a “female” worker in the glass factories of Sandwich following…
  • Compulsory Military Training 1771
    In the Colonial towns of New England, military service was compulsory for men between the ages of sixteen and sixty. Each town had its militia company and members of the country horse troop.
  • Worthington Murder Case: Cape Cod in the Spotlight
    The story of the murder of fashion writer Christa Worthington has been unfolding since January 6, 2002 when her body was found at her cottage in Truro. A black garbage collector, Christopher McCowen,…
  • Peat Moss Diapers
    Cape Cod Indians were as ingenious as the Cape Codders who followed them to settle on the narrow land. And even peat moss, or bog moss, as it is often called, had its purpose. This tight springy and…
  • A Woman Named For A Ship
    The masters of Cape Cod schooners, especially those who sailed the “Injies Trade” (the West Indies runs) were prouder of their ships than modern males, young or old, are of their new cars.…
  • The Centerboard Coffin
    Folks down on the Cape call a spade a spade. Therefore when Aunt Sarah, who had been confined to her rocker for years, at last grew too feeble to get out of bed, her family knew the end was near and…
  • False Teeth: Colonial Cosmetic Dentistry
    False teeth, in 1768, were only made to talk with and display and certainly not made for help in eating. As a clue to the way in which people were outfitted with missing teeth, note this advertisement…
  • Take Route 6A To See Old Cape Cod
    On June 15th 1950, the State of Massachusetts opened the first section of highway known as the Mid-Cape Highway running from the Sagamore Bridge to approximately 3 miles west of Hyannis. Today Route…
  • Capturing A Whale
    When the spout of a whale was sighted, there was heard the famous cry of the lookout man: “Thar’ she blows!” Sails were trimmed according to distance, and the ship made to head as…
  • What Is Cape Cod Made Up Of?
    One can not think of Cape Cod without thinking of all the entrancing things which make it up, not merely a funny-shaped hook jutting out seaward from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but sand, and…
  • The 19th Hole
    Located off Main Street Hyannis is The 19th Hole.  This pub is a popular place to visit if you’re looking for a nice place to relax.  The appearance alone, will remind you of…
  • Nightlife: Live Entertainment and Events Schedule
    Looking for an up to date nightlife and after dark entertainment schedule? Most of the online Cape Cod night life guides are seriously out of date, listing nightclubs that do not exist anymore, etc……
  • Shipmasters of Dennis
    Not even in the seaports of Boston or New York do the great long bowsprits and jib booms of squareriggers rise these days out and over the wharves bordering harbor streets. For the square rigger with…
  • The Meaning of Puritan
    The title Puritan bears several meanings, including one that distinguished two groups of dissatisfied members of the church of England.
  • $70,000 From 50 Cent For Summer Stars Camp
    A $70,000 grant from 50 Cent and the G-Unity Foundation made it possible for 50 kids from the New York City area to attend the Summer Stars Camp for the Performing Arts here on Cape Cod. 50 Cent chose…
  • The Island Merchant
    Located on Main Street in Hyannis is this small…
  • Brewster, The Sea Town
    Brewster was once the town of ship masters and sea captains. All Brewster mates, worth their salt, went to sea. Brewster men became captains
  • Cape Cod Houses Most Popular
    The most popular of all styles of houses in America today is almost surely our own Cape Cod style house. Go where you will throughout…
  • RooBar Hyannis
    This metropolitan looking bar is located on Main Street…
  • Lost Dog Pub East Dennis
    This pub/restaurant tucked away over on the north side…
  • 4Bros. Bistro
    Located at the Cove Resort in West Yarmouth is the 4Bros…
  • Freshwater Fishing Spots: Cape Cod Lake & Pond Map
    Even though Cape Cod is surrounded by some of the best saltwater fishing waters in the Northeast, the freshwater fishing is great here too. The Cape is home to hundreds of freshwater ponds and lakes.…
  • U.S. Life Saving Stations (historical sites)
    In the early days of maritime travel, Cape Cod was known as “The Graveyard of Ships”. There…
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