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A Whale of a Breakfast (articles) In the summer of 1951, a whale managed to get himself into one of the fishing traps in the harbor in the lee of Long Point at Provincetown.

Getting to Cape Cod from Logan Airport & Public Transportation (articles) Here are a couple questions I received from a visitor coming to Cape Cod from Europe regarding transportation from Boston to the Cape and the availability of public transportation on Cape Cod.

New website and on-line magazine features Cape and Islands (articles) Visit for information about the architectural services offered by Katie Hutchison Studio and to read House Enthusiast, an on-line magazine exploring house, garden, and…

Fogs, Storms, and Tossing Billows (articles) Were the frequent experiences of one of Cape Cod’s deep-sea skippers. Captain Manuel Enos was one of the Cape’s able mariners or deep-sea sailormen, a group that has vanished into history.

Barnacle Bill The Sailor (articles) The hero of the popular song by that title is entirely a myth, but barnacles are no myth. Anyone who has ever tried to scrape them from the bottom of a boat knows they are a very stubborn fact.

Cape Shipwrecks & Wrecking (articles) The Cape has been the scene of many shipwrecks. Oftimes, a ship would run aground on the constantly shifting sand bars found off the Cape. Sometimes the ships were lured into coming near shore by the…

Bananas Came First To Cape (articles) Once upon a time every man and boy in Wellfleet was a whaler. Boys as young as ten began going to sea on the old whaling vessels with their fathers. Both whales and oysters made Wellfleet prosper.

Yo! Ho! The Jolly Roger! (articles) This rousing tale of a pirate attack was told by a Wellfleet descendant of Captain Samuel Snow of Truro, Cape Cod.

Mayflower Was An Ocean Liner (articles) Compared with some of the ships traversing the Atlantic in the early seventeenth century, the pilgrim ship Mayflower was in size an ocean liner. She certainly seems to have been one of the very…

Who Was the First White Native Cape Codder? (articles) For every fact about Cape Cod there seem to be a dozen fancies — stories and legends of happenings which may have occurred, or not, and which no one under the sun can possible prove or disprove.…

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Cape Cod vacation rentals 2025. Summer rentals: houses, cottages, condos and timeshares for weekly rent in season. Some weekend and shorter term rentals available off-season. -- list your Cape Cod & Islands vacation rental property

If you are having trouble finding the right Cape Cod vacation rental property, we recommend the Cape Cod Summer Rentals Network and Homeaway for Cape Cod Rentals.

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woodpecker damage
woodpecker damage
Moonakis River/Waquoit Bay
Moonakis River/Waquoit Bay
sperm whale jaw
sperm whale jaw
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