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Colonial Perfumes (articles) The colonial settlers were very fond of home-made perfumes.

Stones Worth Noting (articles) Angels in fullface on old grave stones, Yes! But angels in profile, seldom. Barnstable graveyards have the rare examples of the profile of angels carved in the old stones.

Clam Shell Horse Hair Plaster (articles) Imagination, ingenuity, and clever hands were needed in the early days of Cape Cod, when the houses, some of which stand sturdily today, were built to stand against the elements of winter winds and…

The Worst Places to Stay on Cape Cod (articles) There are hundreds and hundreds of places to stay on Cape Cod. From quaint little inns, larger hotels and resorts to smaller…

Year Round Rentals (articles) Looking for year round rentals on Cape Cod? Since the

Wooden Chimneys (articles) Since, even today, our well made chimneys are often sources of fire risk, it is astonishing to learn that early Cape Codders once used chimneys of wood.

Living Social Cape Cod Coupon Deals (classifieds) LivingSocial offers one fantastic deal every day with discounts of up to 90% at local restaurants, bars,…

Paid Minister in Cord Wood (articles) The inhabitants of Truro, in September 1786, joined with the Town authorities in “calling and settling” the Rev. Jude Damon “in the work of the Gospel Ministry” there.

Cape Cod Seasports (articles) Cape Cod might have been created especially for those who feel that life is incomplete without the salt tang of sea, wind, the glint of sun on white caps, the kick of tiller, the soothing warmth of…

Town of Dennis MA Overview & Map (articles) Dennis, named an All American Town in 1978, combines its traditional New England heritage with modern day conveniences. Once famous for its

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Cape Cod vacation rentals 2024. Summer rentals: houses, cottages, condos and timeshares for weekly rent in season. Some weekend and shorter term rentals available off-season. -- list your Cape Cod & Islands vacation rental property

If you are having trouble finding the right Cape Cod vacation rental property, we recommend the Cape Cod Summer Rentals Network and Homeaway for Cape Cod Rentals.

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Cape Cod lodging guide to area towns, villages and lodging accomodations. Cape Cod hotels, motels, resorts, & bed and breakfast inns.

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grist mill in brewster
grist mill in brewster
Tooner Fishin
Tooner Fishin
scraggy neck beach
scraggy neck beach
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